
Run for Office in 2023! (Or Help Others!)

This year, open offices include mayor, council, township trustee, and school board. Consider running – or helping others with their campaigns.

Here’s an overview of how to run.

Filing deadlines

In order to run, candidates must file with the Board of Elections and present a certain number of signatures (generally 25-50).

There are two different filing deadlines:

  • February 1 was the deadline to file with the Board of Elections to run with a party affiliation (i.e. as a Democrat for Council)
  • August 9 is the filing deadline for non-partisan positions (School Board/ Township Trustee) or to run as an Independent for Council.

Here’s the Secretary of State’s calendar.

Open positions

Here’s a summary of open positions for Allen County, from the Board of Elections.  More details on individual positions is here: https://lookup.boe.ohio.gov/vtrapp/allen/cnm.aspx

For Hardin County, see the attached document from the Board of Elections:

More Hardin details are in the database listing all positions (look at next election date to see the ones currently up): https://lookup.boe.ohio.gov/vtrapp/hardin/cnm.aspx

Advice and help

Tell local County Democratic Chairs that you’re running. Mike Hubbell is Chair for Hardin County (419-673-6346) and Rochelle Twining for Allen County (allenohdems@gmail.com). They have a wealth of knowledge. They can also advise you on the filing forms, which can be tricky. 

Many AHEAD members have run for office or served in these positions. They’re generally glad to describe the process. (Contact ahead.oh@gmail.com for contacts.)

Filing forms are available on the Secretary of State’s website. You can also contact the Board of Elections for Allen and Hardin Counties.

And! Statewide groups are eager to provide advice on running a campaign. These groups include LEAD Ohio and the Ohio Democratic Party’s Main Street Initiative

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